Dave Morrissey on Coaching SEN Pupils to Success
Our school helps young people with moderate learning difficulties, ASD, emotional, and developmental learning difficulties. Every year, the Year 11 students get involved in the Young Enterprise programme. The great thing about the programme is that everybody can be included in order that their personal qualities and skills are used to the best of their ability. Read a short account
This is Robert Watts’ Narrative about learning to live in Spain.
I live in Seville with my Spanish girlfriend and her daughter. Moving to Spain and
adopting a new culture has been very enlightening for me because I have learnt to
distinguish between culture and human beings, remove a persons culture and what remains
is a brother or sister, with the same need for love, affection, food, water, housing
etc. as ourselves. Cultural differences become barriers to empathy and create conflict
when our cultures become a rigid identity. When we learn to identify with our humanity
we see others as extensions of ourselves, and culture is perceived as what it really
is: a form of creative expression.
Cross-cultural experience Sense of Humanity
Questioning our Values The Banking Crisis (Derivatives Explained)
Jack Whitehead: How am I contributing to improving the lives of others?
In this response to Mark Potts’ question, ‘What do you do to improve the lives of others?’ ( I am focusing on my question, ‘How am I contributing to improving the lives of others? The importance of stressing the idea of a ‘contribution’ to the lives of others is to acknowledge that whatever I do, with the intention of helping others to improve their lives’ is going to be mediated by the creative response of the other to what I do. More Jack’s website.
Sadie Smith: Christmas Lunch on Christmas Day in Wimbledon
For about 20 years now we have been able to offer Christmas Lunch on Christmas Day to anyone who lives in our local community who might be on their own or have difficulty cooking lunch for themselves. We usually feed about 90 guests of all ages, culture and religion. More
Phil Tattersall: Empowering the Community and Stories of Activism
It can no longer be argued that our futures are in the hands of the so-called experts. We are learning very quickly that the use of traditional approaches to solving social and environmental problems is leading to serious and far-reaching dilemmas.
Mad cow disease, groundwater pollution, nuclear reactor failures, salinization of agricultural land and destruction of indigenous cultures, to mention a few, have all been largely brought about through the application of the Western magic of positivism. Read more
Marie Huxtable on enhancing peoples’ abilities to learn to live a loving life.
To contribute to improving the lives of others I am developing my educational practice as educator, educational researcher and educational psychologist. My practice is concerned with enhancing peoples’ abilities to learn to live a loving, satisfying, productive and worthwhile life, for themselves and others. Read More
Gill Newton on Games Days
Acquaintances that used to enjoy a home full of family life but for a variety of reasons – divorce, bereavement, and children leaving the nest – are now adjusting to living on their own. Like me many used to enjoy board games! Nowadays, with my adult sons and daughter-in-law, it is the specialist designer strategy games we play ...Dominion, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan...and on bank holidays especially I’ll invite other singletons to a Games Day at home with lunch and snacks from mid morning till evening. Read more
Emma Rooney - Developing Children’s Creativity: Performance Poetry in Brunei
What SO delighted me about the whole experience was watching these young people -
almost NONE of whom had ever done any kind of 'performance' in public before - transforming
before my eyes... They did what they would formerly have thought was beyond their
courage and capabilities. It was just magical.
Read More See video clips
of performance poetry Also Here Dreadlock Alien
Jack Whitehead on de-valuation and de-moralisation of economic questions
We have moved beyond the reductionism which leads all questions to be discussed as if they were economic ones (de-valuation) to a situation where moral questions are denied completely (de-moralisation) in a cult of economic inevitability (as if greed had nothing to do with it). Read More
For alternative economic perspectives visit NEF The Beijing Consensus